Tell Me You love 90s CCM without Telling me you love 90s CCM.

Why You Love 90s CCM (Without Saying You Love 90s CCM)

If you grew up on 90s Contemporary Christian Music (CCM), you know the songs, the artists, and the unforgettable moments that shaped a generation. Recently, I asked our community at Mixtape Theology to tell us why they love 90s CCM—without actually saying it. The responses rolled in, and they were a perfect mix of nostalgia, humor, and heartfelt memories. Here are some of the best ones!

The Most Creative Responses

Josh nailed it with his quirky response: “I have a tattoo on my big fat belly that says ‘Jesus Saves’ in typical tattoo green.” If you know, you know. Enough said.

David Martin shared how 90s CCM shaped his vocabulary: “Whenever someone says they have a big house, I instinctively ask if they have lots and lots of room.” Of course, the football is implied.

David and Krista Johnson kept it simple: “Our best friend was born in a manger.” Straight to the point—90s CCM fans immediately get the reference.

And Kendall Fontenot tugged at our hearts with this one: “I still miss Goldie.” Only true PFR fans will feel the sting of Goldie’s Last Day.

When Lyrics Become Life

David Dyson and Juan P. Sierra brought in some hilarious throwbacks:

• “Where’s my water buffalo? And my hairbrush?”

• “I hear children playing on a playground, and immediately my mind goes to Jars of Clay.”

It’s amazing how a lyric or a sound effect can instantly transport us back in time.

A Peek into Church Culture

For Daniel Elliott, 90s CCM goes hand in hand with memories of judgment houses. “We had them at our church,” he said, sparking a flood of memories for anyone who grew up experiencing these elaborate alternatives to haunted houses. Who else remembers walking through the heaven and hell scenes?

Megan Allison Bryson brought back the crowd chant: “Who’s in the house? JC!” And Winston Murdoch reminded us of the Fifth Conspiracy (a deep cut from Third Day that has nothing to do with the X-Files).

The 90s Concert Experience

Steve Hogan captured the quintessential 90s concert setup: “My tickets were front pew center.” Churches as concert venues, complete with a rush to claim the best pew, were a hallmark of the era. Johnny Gamble, on the other hand, evoked the massive CD collections: “Which of the 144 CD books should we look through? Avalon through Guardian? Newsboys through Tamplin?” Every 90s CCM fan knows that struggle.

Dancing with Dinosaurs and Going Back to Basics

Shanna Villa summed it up perfectly: “I like to dance with the dinosaurs.” Because who didn’t sing along to Live Out Loud with Stephen Curtis Chapman?

And then there’s Donnie Buford, who wins for sheer commitment to 90s CCM references:

“Although I’m never going to be as big as Jesus, I am a Jesus freak who will shine and surrender all. Even after the rain, God is in control. I will fall on my knees, I will pray, please Lord undo me. Flood my heart with your consuming fire. My only hope is to help me find my place in this world and bring me back to the basics of life. No one owns my heart but You, Lord. Please start a revolution in me, and thank You for this great adventure.”

If that doesn’t scream 90s CCM, nothing does.

The Heart of 90s CCM

This collection of memories and lyrics reminds us of the deep connection we have to the music of this era. These songs didn’t just entertain us—they discipled us, shaped our theology, and carried us through life’s ups and downs.

If you love these reflections, you’ll enjoy our book, Mixtape Theology: 90s Christian Edition. It’s part devotional, part retrospective, and packed with 90s Christian cheese. Rediscover the wonder of songs like The Great Adventure and Jesus Freak, complete with original comics and hilarious throwbacks. Grab your copy here and fall in love with the Gospel all over again.

-Dr. Ashley


Andy Chrisman of 4Him: Reflecting on the Music, Ministry, and Memories (Copy)


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