Is Jesus Still alright with you?

Written by guest contributor: Liz King of Liz Humor Comics (Thanks, Liz!!)

We live in a world opposed to God, His truth, and His nature. This world twists the truth, authority, and reality of God and pressures anyone who tries to stand on the truth of God by trying to force them to bend to the culture rather than the savior.  Many make Jesus out to be this hippie, socialist who coddles the sinner rather than changing them. They fit Jesus into their ideas and ideals instead of stepping into His. Many are scared to speak about their faith, God’s truth, or His word because many fear the repercussions of what may be done to them. Many have been taken to court, arrested, lost jobs, and even worse they have lost their life. In these times of uncertainty, social pressures, and a world that’s upside down, is Jesus still alright with you?

Today I was listening to my favorite band DC Talk and the song Jesus Is Just Alright and I began reminiscing about the days of my youth.  This song was a pep song, an anthem, for our faith. It made us feel bold and pumped us up to share the gospel with the world. You were all up in their face and tried to change the lack of recognition. You proudly wore your Jesus rip-off shirts as you threw up your Jesus is alright gang sign, nodding in a cool way as you said, “Word.” People knew that Jesus was alright with you. You had no shame in the gospel, but what about now? 

Times change, culture changes, generations change, and sadly, the truth in society has changed.  God’s truth has never changed, but the world’s idea of truth has completely changed. The right is now wrong and the wrong is now right.  Absolute lies and impossibilities are being touted as absolute truth, even though it goes against all scientific data. Definitions are changed and redefined for the modern world. How should a Christian stand for God in a culture like this? We now care about what they say and do.  Many cower and become ashamed of their faith. Jesus is not socially acceptable.  Many Christians fear the truth more than they fear the lie the world is pushing. It all comes down to faith!

DC Talk said it best, “We got get back to the principals found in the word, a little G-O-D can be societies cure”. We gotta say what the hey!!! We have to get back to the word and the truth of God. We can’t fit it into fleshy desires, we have to fit our fleshly desires into the word of God. We have to change and to change to be more like Christ, we have to surrender our will to His. We have to know Him to stand for Him and in Him. In Him all things consist, and in Him is absolute truth.  So we either will stand with the truth or stand for the lie. There is no in-between.

In a world that is turning from God, we need to be turning them to God. We need to be showing that Jesus is all right. We need to not be ashamed. We don’t need to care what they may say, we need to care about what God says. We cannot be conformed to this world or its pressures, because we are no longer of this world. (Romans 12:2) Let’s release our old DC Talk Free At Last album.  Let’s remember what it felt like to put on those 90’s vintage clothes and walk like we used to when we knew and understood that Jesus is STILL alright with me.


Tell Me You love 90s CCM without Telling me you love 90s CCM.


Step up to the microphone.